lieutenant jg การใช้
- He served in the United States Navy aboard the icebreaker USS " Atka " as a lieutenant jg.
- Both O'Callahan and Lieutenant JG Donald A . Gary, were awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions on the Franklin.
- He served in the United States Naval Reserve during World War II, from February 1942 until August 1945 when as Lieutenant Jg . he was honorably discharged.
- However, while Hudson may have positively affected several crewmembers, he was not overly fond of Lieutenant JG Tim O'Neill, who believed Hudson treated him like a child.
- Lieutenant JG Corwin receives a promotion to full Lieutenant and Ivanova asks Corwin to come her quarters for a talk, which he mistakes for an invitation for a date and buys her flowers.
- Kevin Otto ( from the South Africa production ) reprised his role as Lieutenant Dan Lynch, and Martin McDougall who originated the role of Lieutenant JG Charlie Trumbo in London returned to play the role again.
- He participated with distinction in the Serbo-Turkish wars of 1876 and 1878 with the rank of lieutenant JG of the infantry and in the Serbo-Bulgarian War of 1885 as a full lieutenant-a company commander in the 5th infantry regiment of Drinska division.
- In the heavy seas, her tow line parted, leaving USS " YCV-18 " adrift . During the ensuing recovery operations, the tug's Lieutenant JG, J . B . Clark, order everyone off the fantail out of harms way.